verify sustainability and wellness claims.

verify sustainability and wellness claims to determine if a property aligns with your priorities. many of the products used to build and furnish homes commonly contain chemicals of concern and negatively impact the environment. even properties marketed as "eco-friendly," "green," and "energy-efficient" are commonly greenwashed with misleading claims. given this, selecting a preferable property is challenging without expertly verifying its attributes and tradeoffs.


compare the attributes and tradeoffs of product types including, for example, carpet, wood flooring, paint, cabinetry, tile, sofas, tables, mattresses, insulation, framing, adhesives, sealants, and more.

upgrade → or match →
utilize the tools.

track the attributes and tradeoffs of properties via an instructive questionnaire.


verify the sustainability and wellness claims of properties you're considering in your search.


listen to tutorials
about the importance of sustainability and wellness.


ask us questions and get expert guidance virtually via messaging and trainings.


prioritize health and environmental attributes that are most important for your search.


strategize other actions for
ensuring your home is
healthier and more sustainable.


identify the credibility, rigor, and independence of health and environmental certifications.


compare the attributes and tradeoffs of product types to make informed decisions.


screen building materials, interior finishes, and furnishings for chemicals of concern.

select a preferable property.

select a preferable property
that aligns with your sustainability and wellness priorities.

upgrade →
make informed decisions.
make informed decisions via the tools, tutorials, and trainings to design your home for sustainability and wellness.
upgrade → or match →
learn why it's important.

learn why it's important to select a preferable property with sustainability and wellness attributes for your purchase, other people, and the planet.

upgrade → or match →
avoid chemicals of concern.

avoid chemicals of concern commonly in products used to build and furnish homes including isocyanates, phthalates, perfluorochemicals, VOCs, organohalogens + organophosphates (flame retardants), and others.

upgrade → or match →
identify credible certifications.

identify the logos of credible certifications to avoid being deceived by greenwashing.

upgrade →
see how it works.

learn from our specialized expertise.

follow task-by-task instructions.

avoid chemicals of concern when selecting a property.

verify the credibility of 30+ health and environmental claims.

prioritize health and environmental attributes for your search.

strategize other actions for ensuring your home is healthier and more sustainable.

screen 6,000+ chemicals of concern.

listen to tutorials
about sustainability and wellness.

curate properties with our guidance.

design a single room or an
entire home.

compare 50+ product types to
prefer generally.

track the attributes and tradeoffs of properties.

select a preferable property.

request property info from others
via a shareable questionnaire.

trust our transparency.

collaborate with us and others.

ask us questions virtually
via messaging.

share the properties you're tracking
with others via a link.

use personally as a homeowner or professionally as an agent, builder, or developer.

join trainings virtually.

match with an expert.
trust our transparency.

trust our guidance because we don't biasedly rate properties for advertisers
or opaquely profit from your purchase. rather, we transparently help you
select a property that aligns with your sustainability and wellness priorities.

upgrade →
match for
personalized guidance.

match with an expert for personalized guidance as you select a property that aligns with your sustainability and wellness priorities.

match → or upgrade →
listen to tutorials.